
“Tynwal Feer is on Tynwal Day, on Midsummer Day, the fif’ o’ July and that’s the Feer the boys and gels have the fun.”

~ A Vocabulary of the Anglo-Manx Dialect (1924)

ben ellanagh

Creator and Owner

Ber Weyde is the creator and owner of As Manx as the Hills. She was born on the Isle of Man and lives in the south of the Island.

When you message or email, it is Ber you will contact and she will do her best to help you.

Ber has always had a love of Manx history and culture and this is reflected in this website and her other site at Isle of Man Wells.


As Manx as the Hills started in 2013 on facebook as a way to share our Manx history and culture.


This website was created to make some of these posts easily accessible and for people to learn about and enjoy our wonderful heritage.

New Shop

In 2024 a shop was added to the site featuring some of our unique 'Manxness'.  Ranges will include:


*Manx Family Names * Traditions * Seasonal and Historical Events * Manx Language * Sayings and Proverbs * Home and Place-names etc. *

Product Designs

All designs are personally created by Ber Weyde. They are either copyright to Ber or created under licence.


Product customisation is also offered, see below for further details.

Latest Products

I regularly add new products to the site and these are some of the latest ones.

If you’d like to show some love, I’d appreciate your support – come find me on facebook!​

let's make it personal

Customised Gifts

If you would like a customised item please submit your request and provide details of what you would like together with the time-frame in which you need it by.

I will consider single, group and corporate customisation. The more notice you give me the easier it will be to schedule.

You will also find a selection of customised items already on the site and the intention is to increase this range.


As Manx as the Hills was created by Ber Weyde in 2013 to celebrate our unique Manx heritage and culture.


Promoting Isle of Man History, Folklore, Heritage and now with a new Gift Shop!