Home Acknowledgements


Thank you to the following people and resources:

John J Kneen, MA, RIStOO (Norway) –  The Personal Names of the Isle of Man (1937).
This work has been very helpful and I am grateful to the late author for all his dedication and commitment in producing this.

Manx Y DNA Project – Thank you to John Creer who has created the Manx Y-DNA project which seeks to assess and analyse the spread and diversity of Y-DNA profiles present in men of Manx origin and identify their early origins before their families arrived on the Isle of Man.

View the report: Detailed Results for each Family Name.

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Rob Teare – Thank you to Rob who kindly reviewed some of the Manx Gaelic I was using and both corrected and offered alternative options where appropriate. Of course, there may be other ways to convey what I have written as the language is expansive and expressive but what you see is some simple Manx and my own personal choice.

Rob has created the Manx Corpus which is a free and open resource containing over 1.8 million Manx words and 700+ documents.  Search function is available in Manx and English.

Peter Killey – Thank you Peter!  Through the years, Peter has kindly allowed me to use some of his photographs both here and on the AMATH facebook page.

He is a very good photographer and you can checkout his work at manxscenes.com and on his facebook page at Manxscenes Photography.


As Manx as the Hills was created by Ber Weyde in 2013 to celebrate our unique Manx heritage and culture.


Promoting Isle of Man History, Folklore, Heritage and now with a new Gift Shop!