Home Language Manx Language Resources

Manx Language Resources

by Ber Weyde

Almost every week (usually via facebook) I am asked for links to help people learn the language online so here are a few. Please add more if you know of any.

►Learn Manx (Ynsee Gaelg) website – http://bit.ly/1Q4Nupx – A good, free resource for learning conversational Manx where you see the written words and phrases and listen to someone speaking them. No registration required, simply click on the relevant sections to learn – it’s as simple as that. Other resources include a recordings archive, spoken dictionary, place names, people’s names and crossword puzzles.

►Learn Manx Facebook page – http://on.fb.me/1Xfkktx – which supports learners of the language.

►Learn Manx (Ynsee Gaelg) free app via Google – http://bit.ly/1nUJ0vb)

►Learn Manx (Ynsee Gaelg) free app via iTunes – http://apple.co/1Ta91DI)

►Adrian Cain’s Manx Language Podcasts – http://bit.ly/20Hu0me – I’m working my way through these and can highly recommend them. What I like about them is that you see the new words to be learned in the podcast description so for anyone who needs that (like me) it’s a real bonus. Another thing is that the recordings are of Adrian actually teaching people and you hear their experiences of mishearing or misunderstanding the sentences they’re asked to construct. All very human and part of learning. I find with this I speak the language a lot more as I answer the questions with the students and it also gives me the confidence to construct my own sentences.

►Island of Culture Youtube videos – 365 short videos with spoken and written phrases at different locations around the Island. You also get to meet some of the locals so if you’d like a more personal experience as part of your learning, this might be the way to go.

•Videos 1 – 120 http://bit.ly/1O0UZfO

•Videos 121-240 http://bit.ly/1mp2iHK

•Videos 241-365 http://bit.ly/1ono1BI

►Books – just a short selection here.

• First Hundred Words in Manx – http://bit.ly/1BSSk5i. With pronunciation.

• Everyday Words in Manx – http://bit.ly/19CAYAy. Contains over 500 simple words with pronunciation.

• First Lessons in Manx by Edmund Goodwin – http://bit.ly/20lzjlR. A classic but I found it very difficult to learn how to pronounce many of the words and stopped using it (it was annoying having to constantly flick to the guide all the time). I don’t know if there’s a modern book now of similar ilk with much more helpful pronunciation guides.

• Lexicon Bookshop in Douglas – http://bit.ly/20HCIAX. Link to various Manx language books.

►Manx Online Dictionary – http://bit.ly/1V09cPJ. You can search by entering English or Manx words. It also offers plenty of phrases.

►Taggloo Manx Translation Service – http://bit.ly/1Xfmv0c.

(photograph courtesy of NAMA (with a bit of alteration) http://bit.ly/20lD6iT)

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