Home Fairy World Little Red Woman & the Weaver

Little Red Woman & the Weaver

by Ber Weyde

In the second half of the 19th century the principal cottage at the top of Port Mooar in Maughold, was occupied by two men named Kissack, father and son, both weavers.

One harvest-time the younger man went off to visit some cousins at Douglas. It was before the days of the tramway and perhaps he wanted to save the coach fare; anyhow, he walked there and back.

At about 10 in the evening he left Douglas, and came home by the most direct route-through Old Laxey, across the Monks’ Bridge, up the Puncheon Road, past the Ballarragh, down the Dhoon Steps, past the Barony Gate and Rhenab Mill to Cornaa Mill, making for Rhullick-ny-Quakeryn and Port Mooar. As he was going up the Lag Vollagh road from Cornaa he noticed that the sky was brightening before him, and he said to himself, “The day is with me, I’ll take rest.” So he sat himself down on a convenient place there is in the hedge on the right side going up, and closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, what did he see but a little Red Woman sitting in his lap! He went to grip her, but as soon as ever he moved his arms she slid down and away with her. He exclaimed aloud:

“Ta mee rieau dy clashtyn dy row ny feryishyn ny noon as noal ayns Ellan Vannin, as dar Yee to mee fakirs ‘nave noght!”


that is…


“I’ve always heard there were fairies going to and fro in the Isle of Man, and by God I’ve seen one to-night!”

(source: A Third Manx Scrapbook by WW Gill; artwork, artist unknown)

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