Home Sea Old High Tide Marker or OS Datum Marker?

Old High Tide Marker or OS Datum Marker?

by Ber Weyde

Update 21/12/19: It seems there is a query and this may not be a high tide marker after all as someone has said it is an OS datum marker so I have downloaded the marker file from the OS, located the easting and northing on gridreferencefinder for the location and tried to find it on the spreadsheet but so far it eludes me. There are a number of Gib Lanes listed and if one of them is this one, so far I am unable to say.  If anyone can identify it on the spreadsheet that would be helpful.

Original post 20/12/19:  Little but lovely…we would never have known about this if we hadn’t got chatting to a couple of chaps in Gib Lane, but this is an old high tide marker at the base of a wall in Peel.

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”16″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]The low tide one was pointed out as being in the sandstone wall jutting out (see photo) and even though the light was fading, we did walk down the length of the wall but couldn’t find it.

(photographs by Bernadette Weyde)


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